伴随着生产力的发展 ,世界能源结构发生了三次大的转变 ,经历了由低级向高级的发展过程。目前中国的能源开发利用、能源需求和供给与经济发展既相适应又相矛盾。我国能源现状和特点是由我国生产力水平所决定的。国情决定了我国能源产业结构的发展战略是 :以煤炭为基础 ,以电力为中心 ,积极开发石油、天然气 ,适当发展核电 ,因地制宜开发新能源和可再生能源 ,走优质、高效、洁净、低耗的能源可持续发展之路。讨论了强化煤炭在能源结构中的基础地位、加大西部洁净能源开发力度、利用国际国内两个市场两种资源改善能源消费结构和积极开发再生能源等问题。
As productive forces develop, the world energy structure has seen three major transformations which reflects a process of change from a lower stage to a higher. In China, the present energy development, utilization and supply demand are on the one hand adapted to the economic development, and, not well suited to it on the other. The present status and characteristics of China's energy industry are based upon the present level of the productive forces of the country. It is China's actual national conditions that decide on the strategy of energy structure of the country, i.e. coal as the basis, electrical power as the center and vigorous efforts be devoted to the development of oil, natural gas and meanwhile nuclear power be developed appropriately. At the same time, new energy and renewable energy should be developed as conditions permit so as to follow a sustainable energy development track that is of high quality, high efficiency, cleanliness and low consumption in nature. This article discusses the issues such as ways to solidify coal's basic role in the energy structure, intensify the clean energy development in the western areas of this country, improve energy consumption structure by utilizing both domestic and international markets and resources and develop renewable energy in an active way, etc.
China Coal