研究目的:因盘活闲置国有资产的迫切需要,某些城市的城轨交通线路工程,利用地下既有设施,因其线间距比较小,加大线间距困难,维持原有线间距将成为工程的首要选择。规范规定单渡线线间距不应小于一定数值。哈尔滨市轨道交通一期工程利用既有人防隧道工程,受限界限制,线间距定为3.4 m。根据要求,分别在两个既有站设置了3.4 m线间距单渡线。"小线间距"单渡线,在设计、铺设、营运以及养护维修等方面经验甚少,因此除了需要研究渡线结构安全性以外,还必须分析研究其在各种运行位置时脱轨或者脱钩危险性,确保列车安全通过。研究结论:(1)车辆通过3.4 m线间距单渡线时,转向架最不利位置的转动角度在转向架结构性能允许范围内。车钩最不利位置的转动角度、伸缩量在车钩结构性能允许范围内。(2)3.4 m单渡线侧向运行时不载客的情况下,车速不宜超过20 km/h;侧向有载客需要的情况下,车速不宜超过15 km/h。
Research purposes: For re -using the idling state -own assets, the existing underground facilities are used for the some urban rail transits. As the track spacing is small and it is difficult to increase the track track spacing, the existing track spacing has to be reserved, but the relative code requires that the track spacing of the single junction track should not be less than the certain value. The defence tunnel was used for the first phase project of Harbin rail transit and its track spacing was determined as 3.4 m due to the limitation bounds. According to the requirements, the single junction tracks with 3.4m track spacing were installed in the two existing stations. At that time, there was a little experiments of designing, laying, operating and repairing the single junction track with small track spacing. Therefore, besides being necessary to research the security of the junction track structure, it was necessary to analyze and research the derail and its risks of the train at the different running positions to ensure the train safety. Research conclusions: (1) When the train passes through the single junction track with small track spacing, the rotation angle of the bogie on worst position was in the allowable range of the bogie structure property. The rotation angle and stroke of the train couple on the worst position were in the allowable range of the train couple structure property. (2) The train speed did not exceed the 20 km/h when the train run on the single junction track with 3.4 m track spacing in side direction without passenger. The train speed did not exceed the 15 km/h when the train run on the single junction track with 3.4 m track spacing in side direction with passenger.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society
small track spacing
single junction track
vehicle parameters