目的 研究如何延长大鼠异种心脏移植后的存活时间。方法 实验分为A、B、C、D四组。A组 :移植术前 12、8、4、0d及 10、6、2、0d分别将脾细胞 1× 10 8个 ,抗血清 0 .2ml静脉注入受体大鼠 ;B组 :在A组的基础上 ,加用中华眼镜蛇毒 (CCV) 0 .2mg·kg-1·d-1,术前 3d至术日腹腔注射。C组 :在B组的基础上 ,加用环孢素A(CsA) 10mg·kg-1·d-1、环磷酰胺 (Cy) 2 0mg·kg-1·d-1,术前 12d开始至术日腹腔注射。D组 :在C组的基础上 ,加用抗巨噬细胞和抗自然杀伤细胞单克隆抗体 2 5 0 μg·kg-1·d-1,术前 12d开始至术日腹腔注射。结果 A、B、C、D四组移植心脏分别存活 (0 .32± 0 .12 )h ,(2 5 .6± 9.6 )h、(48.6± 10 .4)h和 (72 .4± 2 1.7)h ;术日各组IgG均下降 ,尤以C、D组下降明显 ,与A、B组比较 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 术前静脉注射供体脾细胞及抗血清 ,尤其与CCV、CsA、Cy合用 ,能显著抑制IgG的产生 ,延长移植心脏的存活时间。
Objective To study the effect of donor specific splenocyte combined with antisplenocyte serum to be given i.v.to rats 12 days before transplantation on both IgG production and cardiac xenograft survival.Methods All rats were divided into groups A, B, C and D, recieving the following combined therapies respectively: splenocytes and anit serum (group A); splenocyte, anti serum and CCV (group B); splenocyte, anti serum, CCV, CsA and Cy (group C); splenocytes, anti serum, CCV, CsA, Cy, anti M Φ mAb and anti NK mAb (group D). The rats were given i.v.splenocytes (1×10 8) on the day -12,-8,-4,0; anti serum (0.2 ml) on the day -10,-6,-2,0; and CsA(10 mg·kg -1 ·d -1 ,i.p) Cy(20?mg·kg -1 ·d -1 ,i.p), anti M mAb(250?μg·kg -1 ·d -1 ,i.p), anti NK mAb(250?μg·kg -1 ·d -1 ,i.p) on the day from -12 to 0,CCV (0.2 mg·kg -1 ·d -1 ,i.v) on the day from -3 to 0 relative to heart grafting on day 0. the cardiac graft survival time, pathologic and immunohistochemical examination of the rejected hearts were observed.Results The graft survival time in groups A, B, C and D were ( 0.32 ± 0.12 )?h, ( 25.6 ± 9.6 )?h, ( 48.6 ± 10.4 )?h ( P < 0.05 ,vs group B) and ( 72.4 ± 21.7 )?h( P < 0.05 ,vs groups B and C)respectively.The serum IgG values in groups A, B, C and D on the day 0 were decreased significantly ( P < 0.05 ,groups B, C and D vs A; P < 0.05 vs those of groups A, B, C and D on the day -6); The pathologic and immunohistochemical examination of rejected hearts in group A revealed the lesion of hyperacute rejection with C 3 deposition, and in groups B, C and D monocyte infiltration, hemorrhage and a little IgG deposition.Conclusion The donor spectific splenocytes combined with anti splenocyte serum to be given i.v. to recipients 12 days pretransplantation, especially with CCV, CsA, Cy combination therapies can effectively suppress the IgG production and prolong the graft survival.
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation