目的分析驻马店市艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/艾滋病病人(AIDS)的流行特征和变化趋势。方法对该市1995-2010年上报的HIV/AIDS的流行病学调查资料进行分析。结果该市累计报告HIV/AIDS 14 717例,其中AIDS病人9 779例,死亡3 809例。报告病例以人群集中筛查发现为主。感染途径以有偿供血为主,占68.7%,其中既往有偿供血人员比较集中的3个县HIV阳性人数占总数的72.1%;既往输血感染占14.9%;性接触感染占10.2%(主要是配偶间)。2005年死亡人数最高,达648例,近几年病死率有下降趋势。结论该市因既往不规范采供血造成HIV感染,目前已进入死亡高峰期,近年经性传播比例逐年上升,存在HIV向一般人群蔓延的危险。
Objective To analyze HIV/AIDS prevalence and epidemic trend in Zhumadian district of Henan province.Methods The reported 1995-2010 HIV/AIDS epidemiological data were used to analyze the prevalence and epidemic trend.Results A total of 14 717 HIV/AIDS cases were cumulatively reported in Zhumadian,among whom 9 779 were AIDS patients and 3 809 died.Most of the cases were identified via population-based concentration screening.The main route of HIV/AIDS transmission was through paid blood donations,accounting for 68.7% of the total number of cases,while the HIV positive cases in the three counties with large number of paid blood donors accounted for 72.1%.Rates of infection through previous blood transfusion and sexual transmission,were 14.9% and 10.2%,respectively.The highest number of death reached 648 in 2005 and the deaths tended to be decreasing in recent years.Conclusion Zhumadian district had high HIV infection via un-standardized blood collection,resulting in a death peak at present.Also,The rate of HIV infection via heterosexual transmission has increased in recent years,which poses a risk of HIV spread to the general population.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD