目的 探讨动态心电图监测24小时在心肌炎诊断中的应用价值。方法 对63例心肌炎或疑似心肌炎患儿3天内做动态心电图24小时监测及常规12导联心电图描记,两项结果做对比分析。结果 ①常规心电图显示正常或窦性心律不齐的26例患儿中,动态监测检出各种心律失常22例;②常规心电图显示单源早搏,动态监测显示多源多型早搏或早搏白天多于夜间的现象;③动态心电图监测发现常规心电图正常的患儿有间歇性房室传导阻滞等一过性心电图改变。结论 动态心电图24小时监测提高了心律失常的检出率,对评价早搏的性质起决定性作用,可捕捉到一过性心电图改变,为心肌炎诊断提供可靠的依据。
Objective To study the significance of Holter in children with myocarditis.Methods 63 children with myocarditis were examined by Holter and ECG, the results were analyzed. Results of 26 normal cases shown by ECG,22 cases found by Holter with different kinds of arrhythmia and intervallic heart block.In cases with single resource premature systole by ECG,Holer showed multiple resource ones and more premature systoles in day than night.Conclusion Holter increased rate of detection of arrhythmia,estimated the feature of premature systole and found intervallic changes,which were caught difficultly by ECG.Holter can provide reliable evidence in diagnosis of myocarditis.
Pediatric Emergency Medicine