为完善马铃薯优良品种费乌瑞它(Favorita)高产优质栽培技术,2011年春季安排费乌瑞它单垄双行栽培密度试验。试验结果表明,随着栽培密度增大,产量有增加的趋势。同一株距或垄距下,密度增加,产量也随之增加。单垄双行种植费乌瑞它,取得高产适宜的栽培密度范围为7 579~10 990株/667 m2,最合适的垄株距为80 cm×15 cm、80 cm×20 cm。
In order to improve the high-yield and good-quality cultivation technology of potato cultivar Favorita,the planting density trial was carried out with Favorita planted in two lines within a row of high ridge in the spring of 2011.The results showed that the yield of Favorita increased as the planting density increased and also as the planting density increased in the condition of the same planting spacing or ridge spacing.The suitable planting densities for high-yield production of Favorita was 7 579-10 990 plants/667 m2.The better ridge and plant spacing for Favorita were 80 cm×15 cm and80 cm×20 cm.
Journal of Changjiang Vegetables