目的:使用Pentacam三维眼前段分析仪比较高度近视眼与正常人(正视眼)中央前房深度(central anterior chamberdepth,CACD)和前房角(anterior chamber angle,ACA)两项前房参数差异,进一步了解高度近视眼的解剖学特点。方法:收集2010-10/2011-06在我院门诊就诊的正视眼82例,收集同期我院门诊与准分子激光中心就诊的高度近视眼68例,采用Pentacam三维眼前段分析仪测量CACD和ACA。对高度近视组与正视眼组的前房参数值进行两样本t检验,比较两组间参数有无差异。结果:Pentacam三维眼前段分析仪测得正常人CACD平均值为3.02±0.47mm,ACA平均值为33.26°±6.20°。高度近视眼的CACD平均值为3.24±0.38mm,ACA的平均值为39.55°±6.68°。高度近视眼与正视眼的两项前房参数值均存在显著性差异(均P<0.05)。结论:Pentacam三维眼前段分析仪测量前房参数,高度近视眼与正视眼相比中央前房深度深、前房角宽。
AIM:To compare the differences in the central anterior chamber depth (CACD) and anterior chamber angle (ACA) measurements between emmetropia and high myopia eyes with Pentacam Scheimpflug. METHODS:In this prospective study, 82 healthy patients and 68 patients with myopia in the Affiliated Hospital of Mudanjiang Medical University were evaluated. Pentacam measurements were performed three times of one patient. A paired t-test was used to compare measurements of CACD and ACA width. The two groups were compared with SPSS 13.0. RESULTS:The differences in ACD and ACA values taken between the two groups were statistically significant (P0.05). The ACD was deeper and the ACA was wider in patients with myopia. CONCLUSION:Patients with myopia have deeper ACD and wider ACA.
International Eye Science