设计了一套适用于二种工艺(离子注入隔离工艺和半绝缘衬底自隔离工艺)的背栅效应测试版图,用选择离子注入形成有源层和欧姆接触区,在非掺杂的半绝缘GaAs 衬底上制备GaAs MESFETs 器件.研究了这二种不同工艺制备的MESFETs 器件的背栅效应以及不同距离背栅电极的背栅效应大小.结果表明,采用离子注入隔离工艺制备的MESFETs 器件的背栅效应要比采用半绝缘衬底自隔离工艺制备MESFETs器件的背栅效应小,背栅效应的大小与距离近似成反比,采用隔离注入的背栅阈值电压随距离变化的趋势比采用衬底自隔离的更大.
The back\|gating effecs with different distances between back\|gate and source on undoped SI\|GaAs MESFET using two different isolation processes have been studied based on the design and measurement domand.It was found that the back\|gating of GaAs MESFET using boron implantation for isolation has less influence than that using SI\|GaAs substrate for isolation. The results also present evidence that the effects of the back\|gating reduce with the increasing of the distance of the back\|gate and MESFET for both process,and the threshold voltage increases much faster with the increasing of the distance of the back\|gate and MESFET when adjacent devices are isolated by boron implantation.