目的探讨小儿额前颞侧浅静脉留置针穿刺的护理体会。方法回顾本院2010年10月~2011年6月70例3岁以下小儿额前颞侧浅静脉留置针穿刺情况,对穿刺经验进行分析总结。结果 70例均由由高年资技术熟练的护理人员进行穿刺,56例一次性穿刺成功,11例历经2次穿刺成功,3例穿刺2次后仍未成功,改换足背静脉穿刺2例、颈外静脉穿刺1例成功。额前颞侧浅静脉留置针一次性穿刺成功率为80%。结论小儿额前颞侧浅静脉适合于其他较明显的静脉血管穿刺破坏后次选的头皮静脉。因较细且有一定的弧度、穿刺难度大,因此穿刺需要掌握熟练的技巧和方法,并尽量取得家长及小儿的配合。
Objective To explore nursing experience of superficial vein indwelling catheter at temporal side of the forehead on children.Methods The conditions of superficial vein indwelling catheter at temporal side of the forehead on 70 children whose age were less than 3 years old from October 2010 to June 2011 in our hospital were reviewed,the experience of venipuncture was analyzed and summarized.Results Seventy children's superficial vein indwelling catheters at temporal side of the forehead were executed by adroit nursing personnel.There were 56 cases who were successfully punctured for the first time.There were 11 cases who were successfully punctured at the second time.There were 3 patients who were not successfully punctured for twice,among the 3 cases,there were 2 cases who were successfully punctured in dorsum pedis vein,and 1 case who was successfully punctured in external jugular vein.The success ratio of puncture for the first time of superficial vein indwelling catheter at temporal side of the forehead was 80%.Conclusion Superficial vein indwelling catheter at temporal side of the forehead of children can be seen as a second choice scalp vein when other conspicuous vein blood vessel are ruined by punctuation.Superficial temporal vein of children is slender and difficult to puncture,so we need to handle perfect skill and method and gain cooperation of children and their families.
China Modern Medicine
Superficial temporal vein