
高速铁路建设引发的高新技术多维度思考 被引量:3

Multi-dimensional Thinking of High Technology Caused by the High-speed Railway Construction
摘要 随着中国进入高铁时代,高速铁路既给国人带来出行方式的转变,也拉动了沿线经济的发展。一方面人们在享受着高速铁路带来的前所未有贴着大地飞翔的感觉,另一方面,高铁事故的发生也引发了国人对高铁技术飞速发展带来的危险性的充分关注。多维度视角下的中国高铁,催生了人们对高铁的多重思维。正如对任何一门高新技术的认识一样,高铁技术的发展所带来的"双刃剑"悖论,依然左右着人们的思维,并将直接影响人们对高铁的评价和未来高铁的建设。本文分析总结了人们对高铁的种种思维方式,并在总结高铁发展现状的基础上,预测了中国高铁的未来发展状态。 As China entering High-speed Railway Times,the High-speed Railway changes people's journey way,and also stimulates the economic development along.When people are enjoying the "subaerial flighting" feeling which are bringing by the High-speed Railway,they also have to pay enough attention to the risks carried by the rapid development of high-speed railway technology because of the occuring of HSP accident.China's high-speed railway in multidimensional perspective stimulates people's multi-dimensional thinking of high-speed railway.Just as the understanding of any high new technology,the "double-edged sword" paradox led by the development of high-speed railway technology still affects people's thinking,and also have direct impact on the the evaluation of high-speed railway and its future construction.This paper analyzes types of thinking mode,and predicts the future development of China's high-speed railway based on its present state.
作者 戴荣里
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期28-33,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 高速铁路 高新技术 多维度思维 high-speed railway high technology multidimensional thinking
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