以唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)果实为原料,系统的对唐古特白刺干红酒生产工艺进行了研究。结果表明:加入150 mg/L SO2和白砂糖(18 g/L~ 1°),按照0.8 g/L的量添加BM45酵母菌在20℃下进行发酵,同时添加150 mg/100 mL精制果胶酶时,唐古特白刺果实的出汁率最高;采用明胶-皂土法进行下胶澄清处理,当明胶的质量浓度为900 mg/L,皂土的质量浓度为800 mg/L的明胶-皂土下胶澄清处理的吸光值最小,表明了唐古特白刺干红酒样的澄清度最高;对酒样进行了紫外-可见分光光度计全波长扫描,唐古特白刺干红酒主要成分为花色苷,且花色苷发生酰基化,增强了酒样的稳定性,尤其是对光的稳定性;通过陈酿酿制的唐古特白刺干红酒紫红色,澄清透明,口味纯正柔和,口感清爽,具有唐古特白刺特有的果香和典型发酵酒香的特点。与市售干红酒进行营养成分对比分析,结果唐古特白刺干红酒营养价值更高。
The Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr Claret production technology was studied by the numbers, utilizing the Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr fruits as raw materials. The results showed that when the Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr that was added 150 mg/L SO2 and granulated sugar (18 g/L-1°), adopting 0.8 g/ L BM45 yeast, was fermented at 20 %, meanwhile, added 150 mg/100 L refined pectinase, we would get the highest juice yield of Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr. Then treated it with the method of gelatin - soap indigenous to improve the clarity of fining, the OD value reached a minmum when the mass concentrations of gelatin and soap indigenous were respectively 900 mg/L and 800 mg/L, which indicated that its clarity was the highest at this point. Scanning the sample wine with UV - Vis spectrophotometer, we found that the major component of Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr dry red wine was anthocyanin, which was in acylation enhancing its stability, especially the stability to light. The Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr dry red wine was amaranthine, mellow and salubrious, which had peculiar aroma of Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr fruits and typical aroma of brewed wine as well. The Nitraria tangutrorum Bobr had a perfect nutritional value compared with the commercial dry red wine.
Food Science and Technology
Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.
red dry wine
production technology