The first part of this article analysis several typical ways of treatment of the relation between determinism and activism in the development process of Marxism since the Second International. Based on this, the second part tries to seek a proper way from the twofold perspective of actor and bystander. From the twofold perspective, the relation between theory and practice can be conceived as the one between actor and bystander, namely determinism is the being-state in the theoretical world of bystander, while the activism is the being-state in the practical world of the actor. Because the determinism and activism are locate separately in two different worlds, namely the theoretical world of bystander and the practical world of the actor, the determinist description and the activist description are not contradictious. Thus we can outline an ensemble "ontological promise": based on the promise of limited determinacy from the position of bystander, we can not conceive an absolute fortuitism of the world; based on the promise of uncertainty from the position of actor, we can not conceive an absolute determinism of the world too. Because the two promises are limited and not absolute, the two can coexist and construct an "open" assumption about the world. Based on such ontology, changing the world is possible.
Academic Monthly