激光测距仪在精密测距学科中代表了非接触性测距技术的最高水平,基于夏普GP2Y0A21设计的定距仪具有很高的性价比,在设计中的一个关键技术就是应对夏普GP2Y0A21传感器本身的调制方波,如果措施得当则会极大地提高该定距仪的性能参数指标。文章从GP2Y0A21传感器的电路构成原理出发,论述了微弱信号检测及滤波后的处理方案,实施的方案可使性能参数大幅提高到定距200 mm左右、分辨率达到35μm的新水平。
Laser rangefinder represents the highest level in precise location in the subject over-the-counter contact ranging technology.The designed spacer meter has high cost performance based on the Sharp GP2Y0A21.A key technology is to deal with sharp GP2Y0A21 sensor itself.If the measures to the modulation of square waves are right,it will greatly improve the performance parameter index of the spacer instrument. The principle of weak signal detection and the post-filtering treatment scheme are discussed based on the GP2Y0A2 sensor circuit.The implementation scheme can set the space to 200 mm and resolution to 35 μ m.
Instrumentation Technology