
基于策略的AFDX网络管理的设计与分析 被引量:1

Analysis of novel policy-based network management in AFDX networks
摘要 为了减小网络管理流量对航电系统正常通信任务的影响,并缓解航空电子管理任务的交叉耦合问题,提出一种基于策略的分布式航空电子网络管理模型,拟采用分层管理方式,在策略指引下对航空电子全双工交换式以太网(avionicsfull duplex switched Ethernet,AFDX)进行针对性的监控,以有限的宿主计算资源进行及时的信息处理。给出一个AFDX网络互连拓扑的案例,对于常规和基于策略的网络管理体系的复杂度进行评估,并在一套设定的虚拟链路(VL)流量配置下,比较两种体系下的网络管理流量对VL通信任务实时性的影响。网络演算和仿真结果表明了该模型具有可行性和有效性。 In order to reduce the network management overhead to the normal communication traffic and to mitigate the complexity of intersections,a novel policy-based AFDX network management model is presented.Following the model,an architecture with layered management centers and distributed agents is designed and deployed to make deliberated monitoring smoothly and timely guided by some policies under limited processing resource in embedded systems.The topologies for a kind of AFDX interconnections are analyzed as case studies with the comparison of complexities between situation with the original manage method and with the policy-based one.Evaluations are also presented with the comparison of overhead influences to the real-time performance of normal communication tasks between both sides under the same virtual links(VLs) configurations.The network Calculus and simulation result shows that the policy-based model is feasible and effective.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期421-425,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金与民航总局联合基金项目(60879024) 国家自然科学基金项目(61073012)
关键词 航空电子 网络管理 基于策略 分层管理 AFDX avionics network management policy based layered management AFDX
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