
P2P大规模可信流媒体节点抖动分析与建模 被引量:3

Analyzing and Modeling of Nodes Churn for Large-Scale P2P Reliable Media Streaming
摘要 随着宽带技术、IPV6,3G等技术的发展,流媒体已成为Internet承载的重要业务.在现实网络中,节点动态行为导致的抖动对P2P大规模可信流媒体网络的健壮性、可用性、服务响应速度和生命周期等产生了重要的影响.抖动对网络的影响分析和设计合理且有效的抑制策略已成为P2P大规模可信流媒体研究的一个重要方向.在全面分析节点动态行为导致抖动对网络性能影响的基础上,对描述抖动的时间、频度和连接3个重要指标进行了量化分析和建模,给出了应对抖动的规则和策略.仿真实验表明,该模型具有很好的抗抖动能力,提高了P2P可信流媒体网络的性能和服务质量,使P2P可信流媒体网络系统实现相对稳定和服务持续. With the springing up and development of broad-band network technology, such as IPV6, and 3G, etc. , media streaming has become an important application of Internet. Because of the media streaming service's high bandwidth requirement and long duration, providing larger scale media streaming service over the Internet is a challenging problem. In existing P2P networks, the churn caused by nodes dynamic behavior has serious effect on reliability, usability, service response speed and lifetime of P2P large-scale reliable media streaming service. Churn is one of the main problems faced by P2P large-scale reliable media streaming service. Consequently, analyzing the impact of churn on network and finding approaches for reasonable and effective inhibitory mechanisms have become pivotal research issues in this field. This paper surveys the existing theories and methods about churn. Based on the impact on network performance rendered by dynamic behavior of nodes, the paper puts forward models to measure the important indicators such as churn period, churn frequency, and churning node connections. It also presents rules and strategies to handle churn. The simulation results show that the model can effectively reduce churn, and improve the network performance and service quality for P2P reliable media streaming. Therefore, the P2P reliable media streaming network can be more stable and get sustainable serving ability.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期217-230,共14页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y1080901) 浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划基金项目(2011C23130) 嘉兴市科技计划基金项目(2011AY1003)
关键词 P2P网络 抖动 流媒体 流行度 可用性 peer to-peer networks churn media streaming popularity availability
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