主要介绍了一种具有娱乐功能和安防功能的智能机器人的设计方案,该方案以英飞凌16位单片机XE162FN为核心,并且通过蓝牙以及全球移动通信系统(GSM,Global System for MobileCommunications)方式实现无线通讯,包含娱乐和安防两大主要功能。娱乐方面可以实现机器人多方式遥控、智能跟随、移动中避障、彩灯随拍手频率闪烁、音乐播放等功能;安防方面可以实现检测家中煤气泄露或者火灾发生时的烟雾,并发出本地声光报警以及通过GSM网络发送报警短信给指定手机号码的功能。
This paper mainly describes the design scheme of intelligent robot with entertainment and security functions. This scheme, with Infineon XE162FNas the core of the whole system and through bluetooth and GSM, realizes wireless communication, including entertainment and security functions. The entertainment function could realize multi-mode control, intelligent following, obstacle avoidance, colored lights glimmering with hand-clapping, music play etc, while the security function can detects the gas leak or fire at home, gives the local sound-and-light alarm and through GSM met, sends a message to the designated cell phone.
Communications Technology