利用ELISA试剂盒,对百日鸡的禽白血病抗体和抗原进行了检测。在5个百日鸡父母代鸡群中,1个鸡群的ALV-J抗体阳性率为57.14%,其余鸡群皆为阴性;所有鸡群的ALV-A、B抗体均为阴性;ALV p27抗原除1个鸡群为阴性外,其余鸡群阳性率都较高。在百日鸡的J亚群禽白血病病例中,肝脏、脾脏和肾脏显著肿大,且有弥漫性分布的肿瘤结节;在其他脏器也呈现肿瘤结节。组织病理学观察,发现其脏器等组织中,有一定比例的胞质含红色嗜酸性颗粒的髓细胞样瘤细胞与成淋巴细胞,排列致密呈局灶性生长,正常的组织细胞被挤压或破坏。超微病理观察,在脾脏和法氏囊等组织中均看到病毒颗粒,有囊膜,直径约100nm。部分淋巴细胞核膜、细胞膜水肿或溶解破裂,线粒体和内质网也水肿或池变大、细胞质中出现很多空泡状结构。肿瘤细胞的增多以及细胞内和细胞间的水肿,可能是各脏器严重肿大的主要原因。
ALV antigen and antibody in "Bairi chickens" were tested with ELISA.Five flocks tested were negetive for anti-ALV-A/B antibody and 4 were positive for ALV-p27 antigen at high positive rates while only one was positive(57.14%) for anti-ALV-J antibody.One or more small tumour nodules were observed on the surface of livers in the early stage in "Bairi chickens" while the scattered tumour nodules were found on enlarged livers,spleens and kidneys in the late stage.Besides,tumour nodules were also detected in other viscera.Histologically,visceral tissues mainly contained myeloid cells with acidophilic granules and densely-arranged lymphoblast,and normal cells were squeezed and even destroyed by these tumour cells.Enveloped viral particles approximately 100 nm in diameter were observed in spleens and bursa Fabricii with transmission electron microscope.In some lymphocytes,nuclear membrane and plasma membrane were showed edema and even destroyed.The edema in endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with enlarged mitochodria cistermae was also observed.Numerous vacuoles emerged in cytoplasm.The increasing number of tumour cells and intra-and extra-cellular hydropic degeneration might be responsible for the enlargement of viscera organs.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science