本文建立了基于实际示范工程的季节性蓄热太阳能—土壤源热泵系统的热经济学模型,动态模拟了系统的运行。计算结果表明:系统的年度化成本为10 062元,单位能量成本为65.89元/GJ,单位成本为678.72元/GJ;全年供热供冷总的能效率为55.71%、效率为16.71%、能效比为5.68、效比为0.55,可知该系统经济且节能。另外,能效比和效比相对能效率和效率更具有实际操作意义;分析法能得出更加科学合理的结果,热经济学分析可作为系统优化和多方案经济性比较的依据。
In this paper,a thermoeconomic model of solar-ground coupled heat pump system with seasonal heat storage based on a demonstration project was established, and the dynamic simulation of this system's operation was carried out. The results indicated that the annualized cost of the system was CNY 10 062, and the system's unit energy cost and unit exergy cost were 65.89 CNY/GJ and 678.72 CNY/GJ,respectively. Furthermore, energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, energy efficiency ratio and exergy efficiency ratio of the totally annual heating and cooling were 55.71% , 16. 71% , 5.68 and 0. 55, respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that this system was very economical and efficient. In addition,the parameters of energy efficiency ratio and exergy efficiency ratio had more practical significance than energy efficiency and exergy efficiency. With the exergy analysis, more scientific and reasonable results could be obtained. Besides, thermoeconomic analysis could be considered as a basis for system optimization and multi-program's seconomic comparison.
Building Science