设计了基于FPGA的片上网络系统硬件平台。系统由大容量的FPGA、存储器、高速A/D与D/A、通信接口和一个扩展的ARM9系统组成。完成了集高速数字信号处理、视频编解码和网络传输功能与一体的多核系统设计。针对典型的3×3 2D Mesh结构的NoC系统应用进行了探讨,阐述了NoC系统设计过程中的关键技术,并使用SigXplorer软件对系统的信号完整性解决方案进行了PCB的反射与串扰仿真。
The NoC system hardware platform based on FPGA is designed, which is comprised of high capacity FPGA, memory, high speed A/D and D/A, communication interfaces and extended ARM9 system. Multi-core systems, with high-speed digital signal processing, video encoding and decoding, network transmission function is implemented. By using SigXplorer software to analysis and simulate signal integrity, in the paper we discuss NoC hardware system targeted by 3×3 2D Mesh structure and key technologies while the process of system design.
Application of Electronic Technique