目的 报道 Q-开关红宝石激光治疗太田痣的临床观察和病理变化。方法 根据患者不同的年龄、性别以及太田痣色素的深浅,分别采用 4~ 6 J/cm2不同的能量密度,用 Q-开关红宝石激光治疗太田痣患者 246例。脉冲时间为 40 ns,光斑直径为 5 mm或 6.5 mm。每次治疗后色素仍未消退者,间隔 3~ 6个月再行下一次治疗。治疗前、后及皮肤表面恢复正常后,各取活组织标本一份行光镜和电镜检查。结果 Q-开关红宝石激光治疗 2~ 4次后, 161例效果极显著, 82例效果显著, 3例略有效果。治疗后所有患者均无瘢痕。治疗后光镜检查见色素颗粒变碎肿胀,真皮中上层轻度水肿。电镜下可见色素颗粒中心空化,有的颗粒边缘模糊断裂、溶解。结论 Q-开关红宝石激光治疗太田痣效果令人满意。
Objective To analyze the clinical and pathological changes in patients with nevus of Ota treated with Q switched ruby laser. Methods 246 patients with nevus of Ota were treated with Q switched ruby laser. According to the shade of pigment in the patients, the age and the gender of the patients, a 4~ 6 J/cm2 energy fluency with 40ns pulse duration and 5mm or 6.5mm spot size were selected. Treatment interval was 3~ 6 months. A series of biopsy specimens were taken from 8 patients before and after treatment, and after the nevus of Ota was cleared. Results After 2~ 4 times of treatment, excellent results were seen in 161 patients, good in 82 patients, fair in 3 patients. Hyperpigmentation was seen in 26 patients, and disappeared within 2 months, without any scar formation. After treatment, broken and swollen pigment granules, slight edema in the middle and upper dermal layers were found under light microscopy. Vacuolated pigment granules were shown under electron microscopy, some of them were fragmented and blurred in the periphery mistiness. Conclusion Satisfactory results are obtained in the patients with nevus of Ota treated with Q switched ruby laser.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology