公安机关承担着社会控制的重要职责。在社会问题频发、恶劣事件层出不穷的今天,POWER SWOT分析矩阵弥补了传统分析法的不足,新加入的POWER矩阵完善了原有的分析过程,使得公安机关在对自身机能有正确了解和评价之后,能正确快捷的制定战略,为履行社会控制职能提供了可靠的方法保障。
Public security organ takes crucial responsibility for social control. Today, the social problems occur frequently, and wicked events are endless. POWER SWOT analysis matrix makes up the shortages of traditional analysis method, perfects original analysis progress, so that the public security organs can understand and evaluate their functions appropriately, set strategy quickly and correctly, provide the credible methodological guarantee to fulfill their duty of social control.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College