
继承、颠覆与超越——计算摄影 被引量:7

Inheritance,Subversion and Transcendence—Computational Photography
摘要 计算摄影是利用计算机及软件方法结合现代传感器、现代光学等技术创造出新型摄影设备及应用的综合技术.计算摄影在继承已有摄影技术的基础上,通过对传统摄影技术中各个部件、工作过程甚至是原理上的改进与革新,突破了现有摄影技术的种种限制,成为摄影技术的又一次革命.计算摄影是一个涉及众多学科的交叉研究领域,针对同一个问题有很多不同的角度和方法.为了全面了解计算摄影这个新兴领域,以计算相机原理为线索,从计算场景、计算光学、计算传感器以及计算处理4个方面介绍了计算摄影研究的热点问题和实例.最后总结了目前计算摄影现状及发展趋势. Computational photography is an integrative technology which combines the computer and software technology with modern sensors and modern optics to create new imaging systems and image applications.In succession on the basis of existing photography,computational photography improves the components,workflow and even the principle of photography to break out of the limitation of traditional photography.It becomes a new revolution of photography.Computational photography is a cross-research area of many disciplines which can solve a problem through different perspectives and approaches.To fully understand this new area,computational photography is classified to computational scenes,computational optics,computational sensors and computational processing.In each subclass,some hot issues and typical projects are introduced.Finally,the existing circumstances of computational photography and trend in development are discussed.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期128-143,共16页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60902093 61170159) 国防装备预研基金项目(9140A01020311KG0101)
关键词 计算摄影 计算场景 计算光学 计算传感器 计算处理 图像清晰化 高动态范围 光场 computational photography computational scenes computational optics computational sensors computational processing image deblurring high dynamic range light field
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