
氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌驯化选育及其产二羟丙酮 被引量:3

Taming and breeding of Gluconobater oxydans and optimum conditions for production of dihydroxyacetone
摘要 通过梯度增加种子培养基中甘油浓度驯化氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌(Cluconobater oxydans),有效地提高了该菌对甘油的耐受性,菌株产二羟丙酮水平比驯化前提高了29%,在此基础上,采用单因素试验,对其发酵工艺进行优化。考察甘油质量浓度、酵母膏质量浓度、CaCO_3质量浓度、接种量对发酵的影响,结果显示最佳工艺条件为:甘油质量浓度为60 g/L,酵母膏质量浓度为5 g/L,CaCO_3质量浓度为10 g/L,接种量4%,在此条件下,经72 h摇瓶发酵甘油转化率达96%,二羟丙酮产量可达57.4 g/L,7.5 L发酵罐分批发酵54 h时甘油转化率达97%,二羟丙酮产量可达58.2 g/L。 The glycerol tolerance of the Gluconobater oxydans was improved by adding glycerol to the gradiently seed medium,and the dihydroxyacetone yield was about 29%higher than before taminged.The fermentation conditions were further optimized with one factor experimental design.The effects of glycerol concentration,the amount of yeast extract,CaCO_3 concentration and the inoculum size on the fermentation were studied.The results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows:glycerol of 60 g/L,yeast extract of 5 g/L,CaCO_3 of 10 g/L,and inoculum size of 4%.Under the conditions,the transformation rate of glycerol was 96%and the dihydroxyacetone yield reached 57.4 g/L in shaker flask for fermenting 72 h. The transformation rate of glycerol reached 97%and the dihydroxyacetone yield 58.2 g/L after being cultivated in 7.5 L fermentor for fermenting 54 h.
出处 《南京工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期10-14,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20906050) 江苏省高校自然科学重大基础研究资助项目(08KJA180001) 江苏省博士生自然科学类科研创新计划(CX09B_143Z) 江苏省博士后基金资助项目(0901012B)
关键词 甘油 氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌 二羟丙酮 驯化 发酵 glycerol Gluconobacter oxydans dihydroxyacetone taming fermentation
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