Objective To analyze the district differences of height among Chinese Han population aged 7 to 18 years, and to divide the levels of heights into several regions accordingly, to provide basis for evaluation the development of height in the above said population. Methods Standard Deviation was used to compare the relative lavels of height in different provinces and to divide them into several regions. The results were then showed in map through the Geographic Information System (GIS). Results All the 30 provinces in China were divided into three regions: high, medium and short regions according to the stature. Region with high stature was mainly located in northern, while medium stature was in central and northwest parts and short stature was in southwest parts of China. The differences of height appeared to be significant among regions in every age group. The differences of height were 1-3 cm between adjacent regions, and were even lager between the regions with high or short stature which appeared to be 4-5 cm. Conclusion Overall, heights among the Chinese Han children and adolescents were taller in the northern and shorter in the southern areas. The highest and lowest levels of heights were in the Northern and the Southwest areas respectively. It was observed that the levels of height in the coastal areas were higher than that of the inland. There were no absolute boundaries between different regions because of the gradual transition in the levels of heights in various districts.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
Children and adolescents
Districts difference
Regional division