
基于网络数字匀速球摄像机的风电场网络视频监控系统 被引量:1

Network Video Monitoring System of Wind Farm Based on Network Digital Speed Dome Camera
摘要 以湖南郴州仰天湖风电场视频监控系统为例,提出了一种基于网络数字匀速球摄像机的视频监控系统的设计方案,重点分析和阐述了其网络设计及防雷设计方法。文章对风电场的视频监控系统的设计有一定的参考价值。 Taking the video monitoring system of Chenzhou Yangtianhu Wind Farm of Hunan as an example, this paper introduces a novel design scheme of video monitoring system based on network digital speed dome camera. It analyzes and discusses the network design and lightning protection, and can provide certain reference for the design of video monitoring system of wind farm.
作者 夏相春
出处 《大功率变流技术》 2011年第6期31-33,共3页 HIGH POWER CONVERTER TECHNOLOGY
关键词 风电场 视频监控 防雷 wind farm video monitoring lightning protection
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