目的分析皮肤科门诊患者来源、病种等分布特征,为医院管理层提供决策依据。方法对2010年皮肤科门诊患者来源、分布及病种构成等进行描述性统计分析。结果全年皮肤科门诊量为36 930人次,门诊以初诊为主(66.6%),复诊较少,配药、代配药(共21.2%)相对较多;医保患者(65.8%)和本地患者(92.8%)占绝大部分;就诊病种前5位分别是湿疹样皮炎(17.1%),湿疹(12.5%),荨麻疹(6.6%),银屑病(6.5%),痤疮(5.6%)。结论要保持及提高皮肤科门诊量,关键要保持医疗特色及水平;开展皮肤科医疗咨询窗口,合理安排工作时间及科学调配人员、设备等资源,有利于增加社会及经济效益。
Objective To investigate the distribution features of outpatients with kinds of dermatoses in the department of dermatology of Rehe hospital and provide basic data and proposals for management of the hospital. Methods The raw data, which includes the number of patients, the number of local and ecdemic patients and the kinds of dermatoses and so on, of outpatients at the department of dermatology was collected for the study, statistics was used for the analysis of the raw data with Excel and access software. Results The all outpatients capacity is 36930. There are about 66.6% outpatients with first visit to a doctor. People prescribed and prescribed for others take up the relatively high ratio ( about 21.2% ). Patients with medical insurance (65.8%) and local patients (92.8%) accounted for most of the outpatients. The top five diseases of patients at the department of dermatology are dermatitis eczematoides ( 17. 1% ) , eczema ( 12.5% ), urticaria (6.6%), psoriasis (6.5%) and acne (5.6%). Conclusion It is possible to improve the number of patients. The key points are keeping excellent medical levels, decreasing waste of medical resources by hold a consultation platform, reasonable arrange of working time and so on.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
outpatient capacity
medical insurance
medical type