
静电纺丝取向纤维的制备及其微结构 被引量:2

The Aligned Electrospinning Fibers and Its Microstructure
摘要 静电纺丝是一种简单、快捷的生产亚微米、纳米纤维的新技术。通过静电纺丝制备的取向纳米纤维在电学、磁学以及光学等方面具备独特的的物理性质,在国内外引起了广泛的关注。综述了近年采用静电纺丝技术制备取向纳米纤维的研究进展,同时概括目前得到的纳米纤维的取向结构。 Electrospining is a new and versatile technology,which can produce polymeric submicron and nanometer fibers.It has been attracted more attention,because the oriented fibers prepared by electrospining possesses unique physical properties,such as electricity,magnetism,photology and so on.In this paper,the development of aligned electrospining fibers and their structure were reviewed.
出处 《上海塑料》 2011年第4期6-11,共6页 Shanghai Plastics
关键词 静电纺丝 取向 结构 纤维 electrospinning aligned structure fibers
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