目的 :探讨现代抗休克液体复苏方法和复苏终极目标实现手段。方法 :依据对休克病理生理变化新的研究成果和休克概念的转变为本文研究的切入点。结果 :现行的液体复苏方法和监测手段对于稳定休克最初阶段的血流动力学变化是有效的 ,但不能纠正深在的休克病理状态。结论 :按照休克复苏终极目标的观点 ,在现行液体复苏方法的基础上 ,实现对最初复苏后依然存在的内脏缺血、代偿性休克和全身组织氧合不足等病理状态的再复苏。
WT9.,10.25BZ]Objective: To investigate new methods for fluid resuscitation of burn shock and measures to realized the ultimate aim of resuscitation. Method: The research method is based on the newest achievement of the research on the pathophysiological changes caused by shock and the new concept of shock. Results: Current fluid resuscitation method and monitoring measures are effective for stabilizing the hemodynamic changes at the early stage, but can not correct the pathological state of shock. Conclusion: Current fluid resuscitation method can not realize the ultimate aim of resuscitation. The pathological states such as viscera ischemia, compensatory shock and systemic hypoxia, etc. need further resuscitation. [WT9.,10.25HZ][
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers