
澳大利亚的南海政策解析 被引量:11

Analysis on Australia's South China Sea Policy
摘要 近两年来,澳大利亚对南海局势亦开始予以密切关注,成为影响南海问题发展的新的外部因素。无论从经济、安全还是政治层面来看,南海及其邻近地区对澳大利亚都有着重要的战略价值,因而南海问题对澳大利亚而言"非常重要"。澳大利亚的南海政策呈现出三个基本取向:与美国保持相近立场;防范中国"控制"南海;力倡南海地区的和平与稳定。澳大利亚介入南海事务加剧了南海问题的复杂化、长期化和国际化,并对地区安全格局的走势产生一定的影响。中国方面只要能够增进与澳大利亚、美国和南海有关声索国之间的互信,完全可以控制、减弱甚至消除澳大利亚介入南海问题对中国产生的负面影响。 During the past two years, Australia has also begun to pay close attention to the situation of the South China Sea and becomes a new external factor which affects the development of the South China Sea issue. From the economic, security and political perspective, Australia has important strategic interests in the South Sea China Sea and its adjacent regions. Therefore, the South China Sea issue is "very important" for Australia. Australia's South China Sea policy has three basic orientations, namely to keep the similar position with the United States, to prevent China from "controlling" the South China Sea, and to push for peace and stability in the South China Sea. Australia's involvement in the South China Sea issue exacerbates the complexity, continuance and internationalization of the issue, and will affect the development of the regional security pattern. China would control, reduce or eliminate the negative impact on China caused by Australia's involvement in the South China Sea issue, if it can enhance mutual trust with Australia, the United States and the related claimers of the South China Sea.
作者 王光厚
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2011年第6期10-15,共6页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 广东省普通高校人文社科重大攻关项目"南海开发与广东省海洋经济建设研究"(10ZGXM84002) 教育部人文社科规划研究项目"南海周边国家与地区南海政策与中国南海维权"(11YJAGJW008)
关键词 澳大利亚 南海 中国 Australia the South China Sea China
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