
第11代国际地磁参考场(IGRF11)的比较分析 被引量:4

Comparison and Aanalysis of the 11^(th) international geomagnetic reference field(IGRF11)
摘要 利用最新的第11代国际地磁场考场(IGRF11)在中国地区进行了一系列的对比分析.将1GRF11与IGRF10计算的2005年1°×1°网格值相减,分析两者的区别;将两模型在2005~2010年间的年变率相比较,进行了差异分析;最后计算了IGRF11的2010~2015年和2005~2010年的年变率,并进行比较.结果显示:IGRF11和IGRF10的差异很小,2005年中国地区的X、Y、Z和F分量的差异强度都小于30nT,D和1分量的差异强度小于0.05°.两模型的年变率存在一定的差异,尤其是Z和F分量在国内的东部区域,Y分量在国内的中部区域,但是分布趋势基本一致.造成两种模型差异主要原因是实测数据的不同.经比较,发现中国地区在2005年到2015年的地磁场6分量呈线性变化. A series analyses over China region are taken by using the newest 11'h International Geomagnetic Reference FielH(IGRFll ). The differences of two models are researched by subtracting IGRF10's grids wdues from IGRFI1 in 2005; After comparing annual rate of change between two models during 2005 - 2010, the differences are also researched; Finally, a comparison of annual rate of change based on IGRF11 is taken between 2010 - 2015 and 2005,-- 2010. Results show that the difference between two models is relatively slight, the absolute values of component X, Y, Z, F and D, I are less than 30nT and 0. 05°, respectively. The annual rate of change of two models have something different, especially the eastern areas of component Z and F, the middle areas of component Y, but the main distribution are prettily consistent. The reason is mainly the different survey data. According to charts, wc found that the annual rate of change of IGRF11's 6 elements is linear variation during 2005-2015.
出处 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1528-1534,共7页 Progress in Geophysics
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划课题研究专项(2007AA12Z328)资助
关键词 IGRF 球谐模型 年变率 IGRF, Spherical harmonic model, Annual rate of change
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