
基于云计算的物联网系统架构研究 被引量:7

Research on Architecture of IOT Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 自温总理提出"感知中国"以来,物联网被正式列为国家五大新兴战略性产业之一,并被写入"政府工作报告"。物联网在中国受到了全社会极大的关注,其受关注程度是其他各国无可比拟的。作为一项新兴产业,物联网在发展中不可避免地遇到了各层面的难题、挑战,而云计算的优势特性则能够给物联网的发展带来新的机遇。本文通过建立物联网云的系统架构阐述了云计算对物联网的技术支持及其意义。 Since Premier Wen proposed the concept of "Sensing China", the Internet of Things (lOT) has become one of the five rising strategic industries which has been wrote in the "Report on the Work of the Government". lOT has caused a great social concern in China much more than any other country. As a rising industry, IOT is facing a number of difficulties and challenges while developing. And the advantages of cloud computing might bring some chances to the growth of IOT. This paper states the technical support and meaning that the cloud computing brings to IOT industry by way of establishing the architecture of IOT based on cloud computing.
作者 刘砚
出处 《科技信息》 2012年第1期209-210,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 物联网 云计算 系统架构 IOT Cloud computing Architecture
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