
高龄患者心脏手术围术期处理要点 被引量:6

Highlight of Perioperative Management in Cardiac Surgery in Elderly Patients
摘要 随着高龄心脏病患者日益增多,不断总结高龄患者心脏手术围术期处理经验,是我国心脏外科的一个重要课题。虽然,高龄患者心脏手术非致命性并发症发生率、住院时间长、手术死亡率高,但手术后将近2/3的患者生存超过5个年头,完全摆脱了心脏疾病的症状,没有了心脏疾患的束缚和限制,享受着手术后的独立的舒适生活。高龄患者进行心脏手术是可行的,也是必要的。重要的是及时和有效地处理高龄患者围手术期出现的并发症,这是提高手术成功率的重要环节。 The population of elderly patients with heart disease is increasing as life expectancy extends. Therefore, it is an important topic of cardiac surgery to accumulate the experiences of perioperative management for such patients in China. Cardiac surgery on elderly patients result in higher incidence of non-fatal complications, longer hospitalization and higher mortality, yet the postoperative survival rate over 5 years is nearly 2/3, with many of these patients can be completely free from heart disease and physical activity restrictions, enjoying independent life after the surgery. Cardiac surgery for elderly patients is thus feasible and necessary, but it needs to be performed timely and effectively for the possible multiple complications.
作者 孙勇新
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2011年第12期11-12,32,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 高龄 心脏手术 围手术期 并发症 elderly, cardiac surgery, perioperative, complications
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