
几种瓢虫的卵黄蛋白抗原同源性及亚基结构的研究 被引量:1

The immunological homology and subunits of the vitellins of several coccinellids
摘要 免疫交叉反应结果表明,瓢虫亚科中龟纹瓢虫、异色瓢虫、七星瓢虫和展缘异点瓢虫四种不同属的瓢虫的卵黄蛋白之间有轻度的免疫交叉反应,而它们的抗体与盔唇瓢虫亚科的红点唇瓢虫和植食瓢虫亚科的马铃薯瓢虫的卵黄蛋白没有交叉反应。卵黄蛋白的多肽组成,龟纹瓢虫和异色瓢虫均与七星瓢虫十分相似,都由四种亚单位,大小分别二类亚基组成。龟纹瓢虫四种亚单位的分子量分别为13×10~4,12.8×10~4,4.6×10~4和4.3×10~4道尔顿;异色瓢虫为13×10~4,12.7×10~4,4.3×10~4和,4×10~4道尔顿。初步认为瓢虫科中各个种的卵黄蛋白多肽组成十分相似,但同源性差异明显,且差异程度与分类上的亲缘关系有关。 The studies showed that there were slight immunological cross-reactions across the vitellins of Propylea japonica, Harmonic axyridis, Coccinella septempunclata and Antsosficla kobensis in Coccinellinae, but no cross-reaction was perceived between their antiserium and the vitellins of Chilocorus kuioanai ( Chilocoriinae ) and Henosepllachna vigintioclomaculata(Epila-chinae ) . The compositions of subunits of vitellins of P. japonica and H. axyridis were very similar to that of C. septempunclata. They were all composed of two large and two small different kinds of subunits. The subunits of the vitellin of P. japonica were 130000, 128000, 46000 and 43000 daltons, and that of H. axyridis were 130300, 127000, 43003 and 40000 daltons. In Coccinellinae, it is proposed that the submits of the vitellins are quite similar, but the vitellins differ from each other significantly in immunological homology, and this immunological difference is related to taxo-nomic relationship.
出处 《浙江农业大学学报》 CSCD 1990年第4期352-356,共5页
关键词 瓢虫 卵黄蛋白 抗原 亚基结构 vitellogenin Coccinellids SDS-PAGE
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