
从《全国医疗服务价格项目规范(2010版)(征求意见稿)》看我国药事服务费的收取 被引量:3

Pharmaceutical Service Fee Charge from the Point of National Health Service Price Project Specification(2010 edition)(consultative paper)
摘要 目的:为进一步推进公立医院改革和落实医院补偿机制提供参考。方法:通过对国家发改委《全国医疗服务价格项目规范(2010版)(征求意见稿)》拟收取药事服务费的基本情况,包括项目内涵、计价单位、人工与所需要时间、技术含量和风险系数等内容进行介绍,结合美国、台湾等国家和地区的实际经验,就药事服务费的概念、测算方式、计价单位和征收方式等几个关键问题进行分析,并提出建议。结果与结论:药事服务费是医院向患者提供药品所需要的药师执业服务的劳务成本和药品部门的运营成本;药事服务费的测算方式是采用以药品支出减药品费为目标值的测算方法;门、急诊药事服务费以种类作为计价单位没有明确种类的含义;在征收方式上药事服务费不应全国统一,应由各省、市、自治区发改委分别确定;药事服务的耗时及技术含量系数、风险系数有待商榷。建议急诊药事服务费项目内涵应增加药品部门的运营成本;明确门、急诊药事服务费按处方种类作为收费单位收取;临床药师提供的部分执业服务项目应按所提供的项目收费。 OBJECTIVE: To provide reference for fiLrther advance of the public hospital reform, and to implement hospital compensation mechanism. METHODS: Through introducing proposed pharmaceutical service fee charge in National Health Service Price Project Specification (2010 edition) (consultative paper) issued by National Development and Reform Commission, includ- ing project content, pricing unit, artificial work and needed time, techique and risk factors, combined with practical experience of United States, and Taiwan and other countries and areas, pharmaceutical service fees concepts, methods of measurement, the unit of pricing, collection methods and other several critical issues were analyzed to make recommendations. RESULTS& CONCLU- SIONS: Pharmaceutical service fees are the labor costs of pharmacists practicing service that hospital provide medicine for patients and the operational costs of pharmaceutical sector. Pharmaceutical service fees calculation method is based on drug expenditure mi- nus drug cost as target value. Outpatient and emergency pharmaceutical service fee is charged using category as unit without defi- nite content of category. The method of pharmaceutical service fee charge should be determined by Development and Reform Com- missions of all the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions respectively rather than the State. The time consuming, techni- cal factors and risk factors of phamlaceutical service are open to question. It is suggested to add the operational costs of pharmaceutical sector into emergency pharmaceutical service fee. Outpatient and emergency pharmaceutical service fee is charged by prescription types; part of the practicing services provided by clinical pharmacists should be charged by the project.
作者 闫峻峰
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2012年第5期397-400,共4页 China Pharmacy
关键词 国家发改委 征求意见稿 药事服务费 收取 National Development and Reform Commission Consultative paper Pharmaceutical service fees Charge
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