In October 1964 when the polemics between the two parties of China and the Soviet Union were catching on like fire Leonid Brezhnev replaced Khrushchev as the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, completing the change in the Soviet Party leadership. It provided an opportunity for the two sides to improve bilateral relations. The Chinese Party and government delegation led by Premier Zhou Enlai participated in the 47th anniversary celebrations of the October Revolution. Premier Zhou met with Brezhnev in Moscow, but the viewpoints of the two sides proved to be too wide apart to be reconciled. Instead of fulfilling the two sides' original intention of improving their relations the two Parties' relations further deteriorated, leading to serious confrontation. This was mainly because the two sides did not give up their own principles they had stuck to and let the opportunity slip away. There was nothing left to do but to resume polemics.
CPC History Studies