Learned from the Western literature, the securities analyst is the very important force of the mature capital market, and the sell-side analysts who serve as information intermediary link with investors and listed com- panies and are very important disseminators of company information. However, as we all know, China stock market is different from the U. S. mature stock markets and is still in the emerging and transitional stage. As we all know, the capital market of China is different from the U. S. capital markets. And now it is still in the emerging and tran- sitional stage. At the present time, the domestic research about the market function of analyst following is still in its infancy, because of its short history and scarce data resources. Existing studies have been scattered and lacked of systematic analysis. Among these studies, most scholars have centered on the issue of information content of analyst forecasts and accuracy of analyst forecasts relative to the prediction of the statistical model and management forecasts, and only few studies centered on the issue of analyst following, So we should as quickly as possible carry out the research on the market efficiency of analyst following. The very important question has come into our notice. When more and more companies are keen to the man- agement of investor relations, in particular, attracting of analysts following ( or concerns), then we have to ask why the listed companies do that. Or to put it another way, what' s the impact of analyst following on corporate finan- cing? For that, we examine the market function of analysts following under the environment of the emerging and transitional capital market. In this paper, We adopt archival research to analyze the role of securities analysts as information intermediaries involved in the process of stock pricing and explain the unique function of securities analyst in the realization of fi- nancing efficiency of the stock market. We treat analyst following which is an important indicator variable a
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
analyst following
investment - cash flow sensitivity
information asymmetry
financing efficiency