
星载静电加速度计加转回路建模与分析 被引量:1

Modeling and analysis for a spin-up loop of electrostatic space accelerometer
摘要 新型等效原理实验通过检验两个相同材料但自旋运动有显著差异的宏观物体的自由落体运动来验证等效原理可能存在的破坏。根据新型等效原理空间实验的科学目标,提出了一种星载差分静电加速度计方案,设计了基于可变电容式电机原理的静电加转回路;在分析了作用于转子上的静电加转力矩、残余气体阻尼及磁场阻尼的基础上,建立了转子加转回路的动力学模型并进行了仿真分析;仿真结果表明,启动过程使转子达到目标转速(10 000 rpm)的启动时间为9.8天。静电加转方法可在电极筒上同时配置加转电极与悬浮电极,结构紧凑,同时避免了传统的异步电机加转产生的电磁干扰。 Two rotating bodies with the same material but quite different spin angular momentum are utilized to conduct a free fall experiment for testing a novel equivalence principle in space.A conceptual differential electrostatic accelerometer with a variable-capacitance motor based spin-up loop is proposed to meet the demand of the scientific objective in this space mission.The analytical torque model is obtained by calculating the capacitance between the stator electrodes and rotor.The dynamics of the spin-up loop is developed by further estimating the effects of slide-film air damping and magnetic damping on the rotor in an effort to stimulate the start-up response.The simulated results indicate that it will experience a time of 9.8 days to spin up the rotor speed from 0 to 10 000 rpm.The proposed spin-up scheme behaves compact electrode structure by integrated in levitation electrode cylinder,and is superior to the traditional scheme in ground applications by eliminating inherent electromagnetic disturbance.
出处 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期739-744,共6页 Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology
基金 中国科学院空间科学预先研究项目 自然科学基金资助项目(41074049)
关键词 等效原理 静电加速度计 可变式电容电机 滑膜阻尼 equivalence principle electrostatic accelerometer variable-capacitance motor slide-film damping
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