
文字熟悉度对电影字幕偏好性影响的眼动研究 被引量:12

Subtitle Preference While Viewing Native Language Movie:The Effect of Subtitle Familiarity
摘要 字幕作为电影和电视节目的重要组成部分,在视频观看过程中起到辅助加工的作用。研究以电影视频作为刺激材料,设置了中文、英文、乱码三种字幕,采用眼动技术探讨了文字熟悉性对电影观看过程中字幕偏好性的影响作用。结果发现:虽然仅凭电影中的声音就完全可以理解电影内容,但是被试仍然对不同熟悉度的字幕表现出了字幕偏好性;字幕的偏好性受到文字熟悉性的影响,随着文字熟悉度的下降,字幕的偏好性也随之降低。 Movies are generally dubbed or subtitled in the local language recently. Subtitle preference or obligatory was found in studies of text and graphics integration and television viewing. From previous findings, subtitle preference is more or less obligatory and unaffected by contextual factors such as sound of video, familiarity of subti- tle, or visual image. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of subtitle familiarity on subtitle preference while viewing native language movies. A movie clip was constructed with three types of subtitle, Chinese, English, random letters and blank, as stimuli materials in this study. Twenty nine students were recruited from a normal university as participants. An eyeLink 1000 was used as data collecting. An inventory of the movie clip content was tested after the viewing. Eye movements, within areas of interest of subtitle and video, and subtitle pieces were analyzed to exemine the effects of subtitle familiarity. The results revealed that movies with Chinese subtitles were fixated more and longer than those with random letters and blank subtitles. Partici- pants fixated more on video area than subtitle area. For the subtitle processing, durtion was declined from Chinese, English, random letters to blank. Memory test accuracy of Chinese subtitle was lower than random letters and blank. More generally, although the movie was local language and easy to process and understand, participants also prefered to pay much attention on subtitle. The subtitle preference was influenced by subtitle familiarity. The familiarity of subtitle was lower the fixation was much fewer.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2012年第1期50-57,共8页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30870778) 教育部人文社科青年项目(10YJCXLX044)的资助
关键词 字幕偏好性 眼动 电影观看 熟悉度. subtitle preference, eye movements, movie viewing, subtitle familiarity.
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