《Incoterms 2010》首次正式明确贸易术语同时适用于国际、国内贸易,贸易术语的设置顺应了运输方式的发展,各项内容表述更加清楚,对贸易术语进行了重新分类。使用时必须注意尽快熟悉新通则的相关规定,重视非海运贸易术语的使用,可以通过合同对贸易术语的盲点进行弥补,不要轻易做出与通则相悖的修改。
The Incoterrns 2010 officially cleared the trade terms for the first time for both international and domestic trade. The trade terms' setting conforms to the development of the transport modes, the contents are more clearly expressed, and the trade terms have been reclassified. When using these terms, we must be famil- iar with the new regulations of the general rules, attach importance to the non--maritime trade terms, make up for the blind spot of the trade terms through contract, and avoid easily making modifications which are incom- patible with the general rules.
Journal of Jiaxing University