
生物进化、种群生态学及商业集群 被引量:2

Biological Evolution,Genecology and Commercial Clusters
摘要 商业集群并不是僵化的"中间性组织",而是生命有机体,商业集群的形成是商业企业之间不断竞争的结果,商业集群的发展与生物进化之间必然存在很多相似性。文章基于商业集群的特点,应用生物进化理论及种群生态学相关理论对商业集群进行分析。研究结果表明,合作与竞争机制在商业集群保持生态均衡过程中起着非常重要的作用,集群内商业企业之间存在既竞争又合作的关系。一方面,商业集群内的商业企业之间通过共享资源,实现集群内商业企业之间的互利共生与优势互补,进而提高整个商业集群系统循环的效率与质量,降低交易费用,相互合作的商业企业之间也可通过相互学习获得技术溢出效应,在共同利益与各自利益基础上,实现运营效率的提高;另一方面,商业集群内企业之间通过竞争,实现稀缺性资源的有效配置,提高整个商业集群系统的效率,防止商业集群内商业企业之间发生因合作而导致的损害消费者利益的"串谋"现象。这种商业集群内各商业企业之间既竞争又合作的关系,使得商业集群就像一个完整的生态系统一样,通过自然选择,最终实现优胜劣汰,效益好的商业企业得到了进一步的发展,而亏损的商业企业则面临破产的命运。 Commercial cluster is not rigidly "intermediate organization";it is living organism;the formation of commercial cluster is the result of continuous competition among commercial enterprises;the development of commercial clusters and biological evolution must be very similar.Based on the features of commercial clusters,the author analyses commercial clusters with the help of the theory of biological evolution and genecology.It shows that the mechanism of corporation and competition plays an important role for commercial clusters to maintain eco-balance.The relationship between commercial enterprises within the cluster is corporative and competitive.On one hand,by resources sharing,commercial enterprises within the cluster can have the complementary advantages and they are mutualism;the circular efficiency and quality of the commercial cluster as a whole has been further improved;the transaction cost has been reduced;the efficiency of operation has been improved based on the common and individual benefit.On the other hand,by competing with each other,enterprises within the commercial cluster realize the effective distribution of scarce resource,the improvement of efficiency of the cluster as a whole and the prevention of the phenomenon of "collusion".This competitive and corporative relation makes the commercial cluster just looks like a whole eco-system:with the help of natural selection,the superiors have been selected and the inferiors have been eliminated;commercial enterprises with benefit have been developed further,while commercial enterprises with loss will be bankrupted.
作者 尹德洪
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期53-57,共5页 China Business and Market
基金 2012年北京市教委人文社会科学面上项目"京津冀都市圈商业集群问题研究"(项目编号:SQSM201110037001)的阶段性研究成果之一 北京物资学院产业经济学北京市重点建设学科 经济学国家级特色专业建设点 北京市教委2011年度人才强教深化计划项目--京津冀地区贸易与经济发展模式研究学术创新团队(编号:PHR201106139)的资助
关键词 生物进化 种群生态学 商业集群 生态学模型 biological evolution genecology commercial cluster ecology model
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