
民间组织与现代民族国家之构建——1901-1949年中国工商行业性组织功能探析 被引量:1

Building of NGO and Modern Nation-state——Analyzing the functions of China trade association of industry and commerce from 1901 to 1949
摘要 在现代民族国家建设中,将从前在国家法律规范之外的会馆、公所、同业公会等民间组织纳入了国家控制的目标,并以辅助官治的名义获得了合法性,在近代中国地方社会治理中发挥了重要作用。然而,这些民间组织并非西方民族国家构建经验中的市民社会,而是中国现代国家构建的产物,与其西方的对应物发挥的功能大相径庭。近代中国精英组织网络在地方社会治理中发挥的功能,必须放在中国向现代民族国家转型的宏观视野下考察。在国家基础结构能力薄弱的背景下,国家采取了利用民间组织渗透和嵌入社会,以弥补国家基础性权力不足的策略。由此,国家实现了将合法性基础扩展到社会精英阶层、增强国家渗透能力、平衡社会动员和政治控制、增进国家绩效合理性、提高国家整合程度等目标。但这种利用民间组织构建国家主权的策略,却有着以下缺陷:政策执行效力不稳固;国家渗透能力和支持基础仅限于精英阶层;妨碍了公民权的形成;降低了民间组织的动员能力。最终,这种国家构建策略在新中国建立后被彻底改造旧的社会组织的策略所取代。 During the building of modern nation - state, the non - governmental organizations unlisted in state laws and regulations such as guildhall, association and guild, etc. were introduced into the scope of state control and granted them validity in the name of aiding governmental ruling, and they played an important role in regional social governance of China. However, these NGOs totally different from their Western counterpart in function are the result of modern Chinese state construction and do not originate from citizen society of western national states. In modern China, Chinese elite groups'role of governing local society should be examined from the macro - perspective of Chinese transformation towards modern nation - state. In the weak foundation of state infrastructural governance, state took measures, that is, folk organizations penetrated society, so as to make up the inadequate ruling power of the state. Therefore, the state was able to realize the expansion of its legal foundation to the class of social elites, the enhancement of social permeability, the balance of social mobilization and political control, the strengthening of reasonability of state performance, and the improvement of state integration. However, such a strategy of strengthening national sovereignty by NGOs brought about the following problems: unstable policy implementation, state's limited permeability and support merely from elite class, and they hindered the formation of franchise and decreased mobilization of NGOs. Finally, after the founding of the PRC, this state formation strategy was replaced with completely - remolded organization strategy of old society.
作者 冯静
机构地区 上海电视大学
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期42-48,共7页 Academic Exchange
基金 上海市教委科研创新项目<基于现代民族国家构建视角的非政府组织功能研究>(11YS258)阶段性成果
关键词 民间组织 现代民族国家 精英组织网络 国家主权 non - government organization modern nation - state elite organization network state sovereignty
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