
面向软错误的寄存器活跃区间分析 被引量:1

Analyzing the Live Intervals of Register Files for Soft Errors
摘要 继性能和功耗问题之后,软错误导致的计算可信性已成为一个日益严峻的课题.由于寄存器访问频繁却未能被良好保护,发生在其中的软错误成为影响系统可靠性的关键因素之一.基于程序汇编代码,提出一种针对寄存器软错误的程序可靠性静态分析方法.首先通过数据流分析技术提取出可能影响程序执行的寄存器活跃区间,然后基于构成活跃区间的基本块集合计算其有效体系结构易感位数,在此基础上可定量计算寄存器软错误影响下的程序可靠性.基于MiBench基准程序的实验表明,该方法的分析结果与AVF分析法保持一致,同时还指出了寄存器相关活跃区间的关键程度,这为实现针对寄存器软错误的高效容错方法提供了依据. Subsequently to the wall of performance and power consumption, the dependability of computing, caused by soft errors, has become a growing concern. Since register files are accessed very frequently and can not be well protected, soft errors occurring in them are one of the top reasons for affecting the system reliability. To access the effect of soft errors in register files, a static analysis approach for program reliability was presented based on the assembly codes. Firstly, all possible live intervals of registers, which may degrade the program reliability, were sketched through the data flow analysis techniques; then according to the set of consisted blocks the bits of architectural correct execution were analyzed for each live interval; finally the program reliability can be calculated under the occurrence of soft errors in register files. Experiments on MiBench show-that the analytical results are compatible with the AVF methods'. Moreover, the critical factor of all involved interval have been presented, which are in favor of implementing the high efficient fault tolerance methods for soft errors in register files.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期83-89,共7页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
关键词 软错误 寄存器 程序可靠性 数据流分析 过程间分析 soft error register file program reliability data flow analysis inter-procedural analysis
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