Recent historical facts since the industrial revolution in eighteenth century show that the value of cultural industries to economic output is increasing. The comparative analysis associated with the mainstream values in cultural tradition (V), the innovation process based on a market-oriented system (I) and the added value based on the development of cultural industries to economic output (P), which are established in five provinces of China, such as Shandong,Jiangsu,Shanghai,Zhejiang, Guangdong, shows that the "V →I →P" analytical framework on the value-added mechanism of cultural industries to economic output is largely reasonable. The mainstream values of society determine the supply and the demand of culture through the social system directly, And the social system determines the structure of cultural markets and the system of cultural enterprises. Thereby it determines the behavior choices of cultural enterprises. Finally, it determines the value-added situation about the development of cultural industries to economic output. Cultural industries have the inherent features of value-leading, innovation-driven, industrial integration and ecological value- added. It will eventually become a pillar industry of national economy under the protection of patent systems, industrial innovation support systems and new industries development support systems.
Academic Monthly
cultural industries, value-added mechanism, V→I→P analysis