
战略抉择:中国经济发展方式的现状与转型 被引量:9

Strategy Choices:The Present Situation and Transformation of China's Economic Developing Pattern
摘要 经济发展方式包括对内和对外经济发展方式。改革开放以来,中国市场取向和高强度投入的对内经济发展方式,与注重加工贸易和以引进外国直接投资为主、借入外国债务为辅的对外经济发展方式相互作用,推动中国经济迅速发展。但是,这种发展方式只是脱贫之路,而不是富强之路。随着时间的推移,这种发展方式不可持续的弱点逐渐表现出来。因此,中国政府应该充分发挥"看不见的手"和"看得见的手"的作用,对内实行自主创新和调整产业结构的发展战略,对外实行以超比较优势为核心的梯型对外贸易发展战略、以调整结构为主线的质量型引进外国直接投资发展战略和以渐进的人民币国际化为中心的对外金融发展战略,以成功地完成转变经济发展方式这场"经济社会领域的深刻变革"。 Economic developing patterns divide into domestic and foreign economic developing patterns. Since the implementation of the policies of economic reform and opening to the outside world, China's domestic economic developing patterns are social resource distribution based on markets but conducted by government and large scale input of labor, capital and nature resource. China's foreign economic developing patterns are foreign trade featuring processing trade and introduction of foreign capital putting direct investment first and foreign debt second. But these patterns are the road to reduce poverty and are not the road into powerful country. They can not continue because of the limit of social resource. It is necessary to establish and carry out country's strategies with invisible and visible hand to speed up the transform of China' s economic developing patterns. The strategies to change domestic economic developing patterns include the strategies to innovate by ourselves and the strategies to change industrial structure. The strategies to change foreign economic developing patterns should adopt echelon development strategy of foreign trade with a core of super comparative advantage, qualitative development strategy to introduce overseas direct investment with the emphasis of structure adjustment, development strategy of foreign finance with the central task to change RMB as international money. These development strategies will help to fulfill this profound social and economic revolution in China.
作者 李翀
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期70-78,共9页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"加快推进对外经济发展方式转变研究"(10ZD&017)的阶段性成果
关键词 对内经济发展方式 对外经济发展方式 经济发展战略 domestic economic developing patterns, foreign economic developing patterns, strategies of eco nomic development
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