

The Significant Reform of the Administrative System in the National Bordland in the Early Yuan Dynasty Through the Evolution of the Areal Distribution About the Tribes of Five Surname and Eight Surname in the Song and Yuan Dynasty
摘要 本文通过对宋代西南蛮五姓诸番地域分布及其与羁縻州对应关系的分析,认为他们与顺化王等三十九部都是唐代西赵蛮诸部的后裔,一直生活在西赵蛮诸部原来的地域范围内,即今贵州黔南、黔西南及安顺地区的大部分区域。南宋时演变为八姓番与罗甸国。元初废除唐宋以来的羁縻州号,对八番罗甸地区实行新型统治方式,在今惠水县一地集中安置八番罗甸九安抚使司,原管一千多个洞寨,除罗甸国旧地改隶云南普安路,程、韦二番旧地改隶广西来安路外,重新归并设置为三十多个蛮夷长官司,交给元朝派驻的"管番民总管府"直接管理,九安抚使亲辖地只限于今惠水县的部分地区,自治权力被收束架空,中央对边疆民族地区的控制向基层延伸。这是宋元之际边疆民族行政制度的重大改革之一。 This thesis explained that the areal distribution of the Southwest Tribes,the king of Shun Hua tribe and the 39 tribes in the Song dynasty were the descendant of the Xi Zhao tribe in the Tang dynasty through the analysed of the congruent relationship between their areal distribution and the Jimichow.They were living in the territorial scope of the Xi Zhao tribe which is in the south of qian which is in Kweichow province,the southwest of qian and the major regions of Anshun.They developed to the eight surname tribes and the Luodian kingdom in the Southern Song dynasty.The Yuan government abolished the Jimichow which orgins from the Tang and Song dynasty and carried out the new governace which setted eight surname and the Luodian Anfusi to administrated their tribes in the Hui Shui county.The old regions of the Luodian added to the Yunnan Puan Lu,the old regions of the Cheng tribe and Wei tribe added to Guangxi Laian Lu.The Yuan dynasty merged more than one thousand tribes which belonged to the eight tribes and established more than 30 Barbarians Zhang Guan Si.The Zong Guan Fu which adminisrate the people of the tribes directly controlled them.The regions of the nine Anfu only controled parts of regions in the Hui Shui county and its autonomy power was collected by the center government whose adminisration extended to the bottom in the territory of nationality in the bordland.This is one of the most significant reform of the administrative system in the national bordland in the Song and Yuan dynasty.
作者 郭声波 王宁
出处 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期82-91,共10页 Guizhou Ethnic Studies
关键词 西南蛮 五姓番 八番罗甸 管番民总管府 边疆民族行政制度 the southwest tribes the five surname tribes the tribes of eight surname and the Luodian the Zong Guan Fu which adminisrate the people of the tribes the administrative system in the national bordland
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