
台湾地区焚风特性及灾害的时空分析——基于1994-2009年的新闻报导 被引量:1

A Content Analysis of Newspaper Reports about Foehn Issues in Taiwan
摘要 使用内容分析法对国内两家报纸《联合报》和《中国时报》1994~2010年的电子数据库进行研究,以焚风事件报导为研究对象进行统计分析,厘清台湾地区焚风事件报导的时空分布特色和其报导取向及变化趋势。结果显示,报导议题可分为诱发原因、灾害影响和科教产销三大类。在报导地点上,以台东县报导次数最多,其次为彰化县和花莲县。诱发原因以台风和热带性低压所诱发的焚风最多,最常诱发焚风的台风路径以1、2、3和6为主,为通过台湾中北部向西或西北和沿东岸向北行进路径。对农作物造成的灾害影响最大,其中以释迦和稻米的影响最严重,中部地区则是葡萄和蔬菜类。科教产销方面,以灾害补助类和教育研究类为主,报导时间主要集在2000年以后,意味着焚风所导致的灾害和影响已逐渐受到各界的关注。此外,许多受到焚风影响的农作物,也因销量的下降而衍生出各类的因应产业。其中,焚风事件的报导次数,取决于对民众造成灾害事件的严重程度,而新闻报导同时亦扮演着社会民众和政府沟通的桥梁。 The content analysis method was used to analyze temporal-spatial distribution and orientation of newspaper reports on foehn issues based on the databases of "United Daily News'and "China Times'in Taiwan. The results show that the reported foehn issues could be classified into three categories: induction,hazards,and education and marketing. Considering the geographic distribution of the reports on foehn issues,the highest number of reports was on Taitung,Changhua,and Hualien. Typhoon and tropical depression were the primary cause for foehn. The typhoon's paths in categories 1,2,3 and 6 were most likely to induce foehn. Foehn has brought disastrous impact on crops in Taiwan,especially on sugar apple and rice. From the aspect of the education and marketing,the news reports have predominantly focused on disasters aid and education after year 2000. It suggests that disasters caused by foehn have gotten more public concern. In addition,there was also growth of alternative products to overcome low production of crops affected by foehn. Lastly,the number of newspaper reports on foehn issues was depending on the extent of the disaster on the public. Furthermore,newspaper reports also provide channel of communication between the people and the government.
作者 黄燕仪
出处 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2011年第4期155-169,共15页 World Regional Studies
关键词 焚风 内容分析 时空分布 台风 foehn content analysis temporal-spatial distribution Typhoon
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