
燃煤电厂排放总气态汞连续自动监测技术的选择 被引量:8

Choice of Continuous Automatic Monitoring Technology of Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Plant
摘要 介绍了汞连续排放监测系统和汞吸附管采样系统的主要特点,比较了不同仪器的测定原理、样品处理技术、检出限和测定汞的形态,报道了美国环境保护署认证中心关于两个系统的认证结果。建议将汞连续排放监测系统与汞吸附管监测系统两种技术联合用于我国燃煤电厂排放总气态汞的自动监测。 It was introduced that main characteristics of mercury continuous emissions monitoring systems and mercury using sorbent trap sampling systems.The measurement principle,sample processing technique,detection limits and measuring component of mercury for different instruments were compared.Result was summarized about the U.S.EPA Environmental Technology Verification Center of concerning the attestation of the system.Suggestion was made for two kinds of technique used in the automatic measurement of total vapor phase mercury that exhausted by the coal-fired power plant in China.
出处 《环境监测管理与技术》 2011年第6期11-16,共6页 The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring
关键词 汞连续排放监测系统 汞吸附管采样系统 总气态汞 燃煤电厂 Mercury continuous emissions monitoring systems Mercury using sorbent trap sampling systems Total vapor phase mercury Coal-fired power plant
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