According to the average sediment accumulation rate calculated by Zhang Xinbao with 137Cs dating method as well as doubt on the research results of Xie Liansheng etc.the basin environmental status,environmental evolution,soil sediment,137Cs activity in the Mawoshan Karst Basin of the Northwest Guizhou were represented and discussed again.The results indicated that the uncertainty of source of soil accumulation resulted in complex 137Cs sources in soil layer.The peak value of 137Cs could not be used to determine the deposition time,but it may be used as a qualitative criterion of soil erosion intensity.Measuring sediment is an available method to calculate the basin soil erosion in Karst mountainous area when there is no station data and lack of detailed information.Mawoshan Karst Basin with special environmental geological conditions is an ideal location for the studies on Karst rocky desertification.
Science of Soil and Water Conservation