The East Calcutta Wetlands (West Bengal, India) receive the urban sewage of Calcutta. Part of the wetlands is also used as a landfill. A sizeable peri-urban population (some resident, some commuting) are engaged in the area in fishing, agriculture, vegetable farming and garbage recycling activities. The importance of the wetlands is that they maintain the food chain and ecological balance, absorb pollution, treat sewage, and sustain fishes. This study of the Wetlands aimed to: [1) identify the local livelihoods based on use of urban wastewater; (2) estimate the value of direct benefits derived by these stakeholders from its use; and (3) estimate the environmental impact of East Calcutta Wetlands on stakeholders. Three main livelihood options using wastewater were identified: fisheries, paddy cultivation and garbage farming. Use of urban wastewater provides significant income for the poor residing in the wetlands. However adverse environmental and health impacts are occurring as urban expansion is allowed without an understanding of how to preserve the ecological, environmental and economic benefits of the sewage-fed aquaculture system. Focused and directed developmental programs must be devised to protect the East Calcutta Wetlands while improving the living standards of the people residing there.