

Economic and Trade Cooperation between Heilongjiang Province and Russia
摘要 黑龙江省与俄罗斯之间在石油、金属矿产资源、电力、森林资源等方面的经贸合作不仅互补性强,而且具有可操作性。在石油合作方面应加强对俄罗斯投资的宏观环境和微观环境的跟踪监测;鼓励大型石油企业积极参与俄能源开发;加强与俄在石油运输管道方面的合作。在金属矿产合作方面应为发展对俄矿产合作打造平台;鼓励有条件的企业到俄罗斯开采矿产资源。在电力方面应制定鼓励进口电力的政策方针,逐步开放电力市场;应解决好相关的技术难题;积极寻找适合双方的贸易结算制度。在森林资源方面应充分利用好各种协调与会晤机制;积极整合资源,打造龙头企业集团;采用多种方式并举,全方位合作。 The Heilongjiang-Russian economic and trade cooperation is complementary and operable in resources of oil, metal and mineral, power, and forest. In oil development, Heilongjiang should increase follow-up monitor on macro and micro environments of investment to Russia, encourage large-scale enterprises to explore Russian energy, and promote cooperation with Russia in pipeline construction. In metal and mineral development, it should build a cooperation platform to promote powerful enterprises to exploit minerals in Russia. In power aspect, it should make a policy favorable for power import to open up the market gradually, settle related technological problems, and seek trade settlement system fit for both parties. In forest resources, Heilongjiang should make full use of all coordination and meeting mechanisms to create a leading enterprise through resources integration, and take all-around cooperation with Russia.
作者 白雪艳
出处 《商业经济》 2012年第1期8-9,45,共3页 Business & Economy
基金 哈尔滨商业大学青年骨干教师科研创新项目:东北亚经贸合作下黑龙江省对俄罗斯贸易对策选择研究的阶段性成果
关键词 黑龙江 俄罗斯 产业互补 经贸合作研究 Heilongjiang, Russia, complement for industry, economy and trade cooperation
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